
School Video

Lublin  卢布林

For many ages on the borders between Western and Eastern Europe Lublin played an important cultural role. Centuries ago, trade and diplomatic activity crossed here; today Lublin is a meeting place of artists, scientists, students and businesspeople............more


Wenzhou  溫州


Wenzhou Medical College 温州医科大学 

Wenzhou Medical College (WMC), it’s history can be traced back from Zhejiang Medical School established in Hangzhou in 1912, . In 1958, Part of Zhejiang Medical School was moved from Hangzhou to Wenzhou, hence the name changed to Wenzhou Medical College. in 2013, the name changed to Wenzhou Medical University ( WMU). One of the 30 universities which is authorized to enroll international medical students (English-Medium Education)since 2006, there are 663 Full-time international students from 54 countries.

温州医科大学前身是1912年建立的浙江医学专门学校与1945年建立的浙江大学医学院,1958年从杭州迁至温州成立浙江第二医学院,后改名为「温州医学院」。2013年改名为"温州医科大学" . 2006年开始招收学历学位教育留学生(英语教学),在校全日制留学生663人。


Wenzhou Medical University is ranked as the 18th among the medical schools in China. Average passing rate of WMU graduates in Chinese Doctor’s License Examination is more than 80% and within the top 10% among all Chinese Medical Schools. The passing rate was the 5th place of the 147 medical schools in China. In 2015, the employment satisfaction rate was ranked the 2nd place among the graduates and the 5th place among the employers in China.

温州医科大学在中国医科大学排名第18名,毕业生参加全国临床执业医师资格考试从开始至今始终高于80%并在全国设置临床医学专业高校中排名前10%之内。2014年通过率在全国147所高校中名列第5. 2015年毕业生就业满意度调查毕业生满意度排名全国第2,用人单位满意度排名第5。

Wenzhou Medical University is composed of 4 campuses, located respectively at Xueyuan Road, Xiushan and Chashan, covers an area of about 1,200,000 ㎡ , with a floor space of 500,000 ㎡.The school library has a collection of 2,150,000 books and 1100 categories of periodicals either in Chinese or foreign languages. WMC administered 21Affiliated hospitals with more than 15000 beds opened ( among which 17 are general hospitals and 4 are specialized hospitals), rendering medical services to a population of 20 million apart from 50 teaching and practicing hospitals. WMC has over 8000 professional academic staff, out of which, 1400 holds senior professional technical positions.

温州医科大学共有四个校区,其中学院路校区和绣山校区位于温州市市区,总占地面积近1800 余亩,校舍建筑面积50万多平方米. 图书馆总藏书量215万余册,建 21 所附属医院( 其中17 所综合性医院,4 所 专科性医院),实际开放床位数 15000 多张, 辐射人口2000 多万,在全国各地有50 家教 学、实习医院. 学校现有教职员工8000余人,其中具有高级专业技术职务1400余人。